
Mrs. Preschool

It is an honour to write a few words about my alma mater where my journey as a teacher began. I completed my Preschool Teacher’s Training Course All Polytechnic in 2009 and since then have been working as a teacher in several reputed pre -primary schools in Pune. I owe my success to the foundation laid by the institution that polished my skills, helped me gain knowledge and experience. The dedication and the commitment of the instructors gave me the courage to never give up believing in myself and my abilities. Today, when I see the institute grow, I feel nothing but pride to be part of this incredible journey. I would like to take this opportunity to say”Thank You” for touching the lives of several women like me and help us recognise our potential and give us confidence to build our careers.

Mrs Jabeen Memon (Creative Head Rainbow Kids Academy)

Every child has a dream to grow, fly and dream to explore the unknown. I too was sailing in a similar boat. Some dreams were fulfilled as I went ahead in life, while the others took a little longer. One of my main dreams was to help the new generation in moulding their future. Anjuman-I- Islam’s. Polytechnic helped me to make this dream of mine a reality. I joined their Preschool Teachers Training Course in 2008. It simply changed my life for the staff here is extremely helpful and with a special change my life for the staff here is extremely helpful and with a special mention to Zareen Ma’am, who guided me throughout to become a good teacher alone with being a better human being. Here I learned to follow my instincts, to stick to my principles. With this institute’s guidance, I am able to run my own Academy and am able to give back to the society. My wishes are always with these institutes.

Ms Neha A Soans (Headmistress of Podar Jumbo Kids)

As an Early Childhood Educator with a successful experience of 10 years, I feel it’s aptly said “The biggest adventure you can take is living the life of your dreams”. Being an Educator was my Childhood dream which was fulfilled when I joined Preschool Teacher’s Training course at Anjuman-I-Islam’s Polytechnic for Girls in the year 2007. It showed me the right path and my journey began. The course helped me gain knowledge of child development and made me learn how to plan next steps for supporting a child’s progress. It also helped to comprehend emotional concepts for children. We also got hands-on experience during the course which was very advantageous.

Challenges and obstacles can be prevailed only through patience and persistence. My Mantra is if we believe and work hard we can achieve anything in life. There is no shortcut to Success. 

Fashion Designing

Ms Alfiya Bhavnagarwalla

Despite coming from a middle class family, my parents believed in me and the importance of education for girls as a whole. They were liberal enough to give me freedom to choose my path of career development. After completing my diploma, I can very well recall the things I learned, the colour pallets I understood, the drafting, stitching and various other hands- on knowledge that I gained during my time at the institute. This gave me a chance to explore and improve upon my interests. This is a platform where I developed and enhanced my inner confidence and personality Because of this I was the offered a position of teaching in the Anjuman-I-Islam’s Polytechnic for Girls itself. It was a proud moment for me. After associating myself with the institute for a year, I started my own venture by becoming a designer of Abayas (lslamic outfits for women). Initially I started getting orders from friends and family. This small start- up gradually developed into a big career choice for me. The skills that I learned at Anjuman are with me till date and the love and support of my teachers is key in my success today. For that I shall be eternally thankful.

Ms Nigar Shaikh

Being from a middle class family, my dream was always to become a successful fashion designer. My journey started in Pune. I got admission in Anjuman -I-Islam’s Polytechnic for Girls where as a student, I got an opportunity to get quality education and skill – set from the first day of college I got the love and affection and affection and serious dedication of the teachers. All the staff is very supportive and full of motivation. After passing out I started looking for jobs. I gave a number of interviews and then I got a job in a company named “ More Mischief for Embroidery Designing. There I worked for 2 years. Then I was selected by another company named, Style by Gulam Ali’ as a designer. Then came a moment that I have been waiting for. A time in my life brought a day where I got a chance to work as a costume designer for a Marathi movie.

Today I am working in the Marathi film industry as a costume designer. Some of my works can be seen on screen in short films like, “NAKSHAL” in Hindi, Marathi serials ”सण” , “आम्ही अतिशहाणे”, ”रांजण” and ”मिथुन”.

My up – coming new Marathi movie “बलोच”, the work for it is in process.

At  the end I can only say that my dream has come true because of Anjuman -I-Islam’s Polytechnic for Girls. It is because of the encouragement of the staff and their tireless will to work till student is independent, that I am where I am today.

Ms Saira Gani

I have been a part of Anjuman orphanage since I was 7 years old. After I passed my 10th, I joined Anjuman-I-Islam’s Polytechnic for Girls as a fashion designing student. While spending these two years (2011-2013), in the Polytechnic, I can very confidently say that I have learnt a lot from here. The inner strength that I got from this organisation made me what I am today. It has brought a sense of confidence and courage in my personality. This institute has guided me throughout my journey to fulfil my dreams. Everyone associated with the Anjuman has motivated me and guided me selflessly to move ahead and reach where I have reached.

I am thankful for all the guidance because of which I am strong enough today to feel the capability to plan for opening my own shop despite all the odds that I have faced in my life. I seek all the blessings possible from my guides and teachers.

Ms Karishma Bahman Shekari

I joined the 2 years Diploma in Fashion Designing course immediately after clearing my SSC Board Exams in 2011-12. Along with my Fashion Designing I completed my HSC Boards too. Then I further specialised in Fashion Designing from INIFD Koregaon Park. My immediate job after completing my course was with THE NEXT BRAND IN 2013-14 where I worked for one year as fashion Associate.

I joined THE COLLECTIVE, as a fashion consultant in 2014-15 gradually over a period of time, got promoted to Senior Consultant and then to Personal Stylist. I put in all my efforts and hard work along with the knowledge that I gained during my course from the Anjuman -I-Islam’s Polytechnic. With the degree in hand, I was further promoted as a Team Coach where I used to handle almost 28-35 on-floor staff of each of the Stores of Pune, Mumbai, Bangalore Chennai, Hyderabad. I had to give in house and floor training to the staff, along with managing High Profile Customers, right from The cricket players, Bollywood Actors, other personalities from the film Industry, Top Indian Sports players, Political leaders and many more, on the floor with their Personalised Apparel requirements. I was further promoted as Asst. Store Manager and posted to Hyderabad, where I handled the entire set-up of the store for almost 8 months. Now I am a “STORE MANAGER” of the same and I am looking forward to aiming higher as my aim is to enter the field as a fashion designer soon.

I am proud to say, I am a Student of the Anjuman -I-Islam’s Polytechnic for Girls. I am very grateful to the Principal, the Teachers for helping me achieve my goals in life. As a result of their guidance, I was felicitated with Achiever’s Award from my institute in the year 2014.

I am always indebted to all for all the support to make me confident and capable enough to dream this dream.

Beauty Culture

Ms Poonam Bhandare

मी पूनम भारत भंडारे राहणार कोरेगाव भिमा मी अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स कॉलेज , मधे २०१४-२०१६ व्या वर्ष मध्ये शिकत होते २०१६ मध्ये मी चांगल्या मार्क्स ने उत्तीर्ण झाले त्याचे सर्व श्रेय मी अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स आबेदा मॅडम आणि त्यांच्या सह शिक्षकांना सुजित सर , सबिहा मॅडम यांना देऊ इच्छिते ! मी १२ वी नंतर अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स  मध्ये फॅशन डिपार्टमेंट ला प्रवेश घेतला. नवीन लग्न, लहान बाळ , आणि कॉलेज हे सर्व एका वेळी जमवून घेणे अशक्य गोष्टी होती परंतु मनामध्ये एकच ध्येय होते घरामधून बाहेर पडलेच आहे तर काही करून दाखवायचे आहे, हि एकाच गोष्ट मनात ठेऊन मनापासून शिक्षण घेतले आणि करिअर च्या दिशेला सुरवात केली. कॉलेज पूर्ण झाल्यानंतर इंटर्नशिप केली. अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स कॉलेज मध्ये मिळालेल्या चांगल्या शिक्षणामुळे मला डिझायनर म्हणून जॉब करण्याची संधी मिळाली . त्यानंतर मी एका नामांकित संस्थे मध्ये फॅशन डिपार्टमेंट मध्ये HOD म्हणून जॉब केला. प्रत्येक वाटेत अनेक प्रकारचे अनुभव मिळाले आणि मी स्वतः आता एक Business Women झाले आहे . माझे स्वतः ची एक PB Institute या नावाची संस्था आहे. माझ्या संस्थे मध्ये आता २००-३०० मुली व महिला शिक्षण घेतात. हे सर्व सुशिक्षित झाले अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स कॉलेज आणि आबेदा मॅडम , सुजित सर ,साबिया मॅडम यांच्या मुळे ..आज फक्त आणि फक्त अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स कॉलेज मुले माझे स्वप्न साकार झाले.

Thank You So much

अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलिटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स, आबेदा मॅडम आणि सर्व स्टाफ

Ms Asha Kashte

मी आशा  संदीप काष्टे . माझे शिक्षण एम ए (समाजशास्त्र). मी अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स मध्ये १ जानेवारी २००२ ते २३ डिसेंबर २००२ मध्ये ब्युटी कल्चर चे शिक्षण  घेतले.१५ ऑगस्ट २००३ मध्ये माझ्या राहत्या घरी पार्लर सुरु केले . अशा प्रकारे माझ्या माझ्या करियर ला सुरुवात झाली . २०१४-२०१५ मध्ये मी ज्या घरात भाड्याने राहत होते ते मी शॉप आणि घर विकत घेतले . आज माझे स्वतः च्या मालकीचे शॉप आहे .नंतर हळूहळू पार्लर डेवोलप केले. दरमहा ७० ते ८० हजार अशी माझी सध्याची इनकम आहे. माझ्या या यशामध्ये माझी आई व पती ने खूप मदत केली . या सर्व यशामध्ये अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स चा खु मोठा वाटा आहे . प्रिय नुसरत मॅडम यांनी मला मला माझ्या माझ्या लहान मुलाला घेऊन येण्याची परमिशिन दिली त्यामुळे मी माझा क्लास पूर्ण करू शकले. सेहेर मॅडम आणि नुसरत मॅडम ने माझ्या मुलास सांभाळून घेतले.

अंजुमन इस्लाम पॉलीटेकनिक फॉर गर्ल्स मध्ये जे मार्गदर्शन मिळाले त्याचा मला माझ्या करियर व आयुष्यात खूप मोठी मदत झाली .

तसेच कॉलेजच्या सर्व स्टाफचे आणि माझ्या बॅचच्या सर्व स्टुडन्ट आणि माझ्या फ्रेंड्स चे मी मनःपूर्वक आभार मानते 

Basic Fashion Designing

Mrs Mariyam M Khan

Coming from a lower economic background, Mariyam Khan has come a long way. She completed the basic and advanced course of “ Needle Women On Call” in 2018. After getting her certificate she is working from home & is able to support her family financially.

Mrs Afsha Wasim Shaikh

Afsha belongs to a very weak financial background. She too passed her Basic & Advanced Course in “Needle Women On Call” from Anjuman-I-Islam’s Polytechnic for Girls in 2018. Despite her numerous personal responsibilities she is able to give atleast4 hours every day to complete her job orders, which helps to supplement her family income.


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